Gourmet Meals: Even if you don’t have a problem with gluten, you might want to skip it anyway, just because you will feel better. Here’s how to make it easy.
GOURMET MEALS is a company that makes well-balanced, nutritious and great-tasting snap frozen meals. The Gourmet Meals are prepared by internationally trained chefs. No longer do you need to worry about what to have for dinner each night; simply remove your Gourmet Meal from the freezer, heat and enjoy!
This is good news for those who have issues with gluten. Gourmet Meals owner Daniel Wuthrich said that for many, meals containing gluten aren’t an option. “Whether it is by choice or necessity, it is quite a challenge to avoid glutenous foods. It is particularly challenging for people with serious intolerances to prepare meals every day, making sure that no gluten ingredients are used, and no cross-contamination occurs. Fortunately, Gourmet Meals has made it easier than ever to live a gluten-free lifestyle. You can now have a huge variety of ready-made meals delivered straight to your door, and, have peace of mind knowing that you won’t have any gluten reactions.”
If it is dairy that’s bugging you, there are dairy free options as well. When you have a friend or relative coming over who has either of these intolerances, you can always keep a meal in the freezer for them. That way, they can be guaranteed to not have to worry about what they are eating.
Lamb koftas. Yummo!
Gourmet Meals in 2022
The best thing about these meals is that it’s 2022 and things are a lot easier than they used to be. Forget grocery shopping, cooking meals and cleaning up afterwards. You can also forget trying to nutritionally balance your food yourself.
Gourmet Meals is a company that specifically caters to many dietary and nutritional requirements. In fact, their meals are so nutritionally sound that Gourmet Meals qualifies as a registered NDIS provider of home-delivered meals.
Chicken with almond and apricot
If you want to stop wasting time in the supermarkets and slaving over the stove, then take the smarter route by checking out the menu. ■
Log on to gourmetmeals.com.au to see their delicious menu ranges or call 1300 112 112 to speak to an actual human!
Border Ranges National Park: Jan and Peter (both 74) took to their caravan to explore.
The World Heritage-listed Border Ranges National Park has scenic walks and breathtaking views surrounded by ancient landscapes. We took off in our caravan for a break inside the Gondwana rainforest.
Mt Warning is a dominant feature of the Tweed Valley in Northern New South Wales. It sits in Wollumbin National Park. This remnant core of a volcano was active 23 million years ago. Today, the core is less than half its original size. The surrounding caldera once covered an area of 80 x 100 kilometres. The erosion activity over the past 20 million years created a large cauldron- like landscape. It has one of the highest levels of biological diversity in Australia.
Mebbin National Park sits inside the caldera rim. We spent our first evening camped in this National Park. We travelled there along the Tweed Valley Way then via Murwillumbah, through the quaint village of Tyalgum, Brays Creek and pot- holed Byrrill Creek Roads to Cutters Camp. The campground, in a cleared forest setting, has recently been refurbished. New barbeques, picnic tables, toilet facilities and fireplaces have been installed to a very good standard. We enjoyed having the whole area to ourselves, (perhaps because it was cold.)
An upgraded walking track winds around a two-kilometre loop to Sweetmans Creek and back along the edge of Byrill Creek. It passes through subtropical rainforest between giant, ancient fig trees. In the late afternoon red-necked pademelons grazed happily on the grass close by.
An elderly farmer in the area caught our interest in an area further to the west near Wadeville. He shared legends and stories from the turn of the century when timber getters wandered the lands. They worked in the forests, winding their way with bullock teams to harvest the giant forest logs. There were stories of blood-stained floors and family feuds. It was late in the day when we ventured along the track that is the Old Tweed Road. It was here that a bullocky was murdered with a blow from a bullock yoke. And that wasn’t the only ghost that haunts the area.
A German settler, spurned by the one he loved, shot himself. Halfway along the track, the crumbling wooden Cranes Bridge carries a legend of an apparition that appears on the bridge. The late afternoon breeze created moving shadows across the rough track, creating an eerie feeling. We hoped a ghost of the past would linger but alas, none visited us.
A short distance away at Hanging Rock Bridge on Barkers Vale Road, incidents from the past have also added to local folklore. Apparently, a local businessman from the past abandoned his journey along this road when an apparition appeared on that bridge. A Nimbin village resident reported that his reliable horse refused to set a hoof anywhere near the bridge. We were disappointed to see that the old bridge had been replaced with a new model. But we were able to view the original crossing of the river. The mournful hoot of an owl and the approaching evening caused us to move on.
The showground at Nimbin was a convenient next campsite with plenty of space and clean facilities. The village, overlooked by impressive rock formations, is a central base for exploring the natural wonders nearby. Forests of red cedar first attracted timber getters to the area in the 1840s. The 1973 the Aquarius Festival brought alternative lifestylers and communes sprouted up in the surrounding hills. The streets of the village are predominately named after the early farmers, mostly in the dairying industry.
A nearby excursion was via the village of The Channon and along a fifteen-kilometre (part gravel) diversion leading to Protesters Falls. In 1975 local residents Nan and Hugh Nicholson raised the alarm when they discovered the logging plans for the area. The Terania Creek Protest was organised in 1979 against logging old growth forest. While the original protesters’ intentions were non- violent and peaceful, not everybody supported that ideal. However, this was the first-time people physically defended a natural resource. The mill was closed down as a result. The New South Wales Premier at the time, Neville Wran, made the historic ‘Rainforest Decision’ in October 1982. It saved approximately 100,000 hectares of forest from harvesting.
The picnic ground offered a pleasant venue in the rainforest for our lunch before a one- and-a-half-kilometre walk. It followed along the pretty Terania Creek through Bangalow palms to eventually emerge at the base of the impressive long drop of the falls and pool. This is the home of the endangered Fleay ’s Barred Frog. No swimming is allowed.
Our original plan was to hike the Pholis Gap and Mt Matheson Loop starting from Mt Nardi in the west Nightcap National Park. This is the starting point for several walking tracks including the Historic Nightcap track. This was once the principal route taken by travellers and postal workers in the 1870s between Lismore and Murwillumbah. The journey required an overnight camp hence the name “Nightcap.” With pack horses, the mailman took three days to travel the muddy track. Today, the mountain can easily be identified by the television transmitting tower on its summit.
Mt Nardi was named in memory of Terania Shire Councillor Angelo Nardi (born in 1899) for his services to the community of Nimbin. He was a descendant of the pioneer farming settlers of New Italy – now a historic rest stop on the Pacific Highway. Pholis Gap received its name in memory of Athol Pholis, a timber worker, who was killed on the track by a falling tree.
We were disappointed to find the access road leading to the commencement of the Nightcap track at Mt Nardi closed for repair. However, we made a booking at Rummary Park campground where we could access part of this historic track from the south-east end. We were delighted to find another upgraded National Park camping ground. And, once again we had the camping area to ourselves. We expect the low temperatures kept away all except us hardy campers.
A cabin in the campground commemorates Cecil C. Jones who was a forest foreman in the Whian Whian Conservation Area. He lived there in the red mahogany cabin with his wife and four young children. It is the last remaining cabin of the ones constructed during late 1940 and early 1941 by the Forestry Commission in this forest setting, then named Boggy Creek camp. A cottage was also constructed for visiting for VIPs, especially the Forester in Charge of the Whian Whian area – Tom Rummery. The campground is named after him. Tom and Cecil planted a big kauri pine which can still be seen there today. When Cecil died in 1993, the Forestry Commission installed a memorial plaque with the words, “the bush has friends to meet him and their kindly voices greet him.”
Our hike the next morning was a grade three, six-kilometre return hike to Peates Mountain. It went through forest which is regenerating after recent bushfires. It was a steep climb towards the summit. Disappointedly the tall eucalypts at the top blocked what could be a spectacular view to the coast. We enjoyed a packed lunch before hiking back to camp along the historic Nightcap track. Unfortunately, the Boggy Creek walk from Rummery Park to Minyon Falls was also closed for maintenance. However, before moving on the next morning, we explored the Blue Fig Track for a couple of kilometres. We relaxed by a pretty cascade and watched a pair of Rufous Scrub-Birds fossicking in the dense eucalypt forest.
Our journey continued via Kyogle and Wiangaree (the eastern access road was closed) to the Border Ranges National Park. The 44-kilometre gravel Tweed Range Scenic Drive travels along the elevated edge of the caldera of the Mount Warning volcano, affording stunning views from the lookouts. This dramatic escarpment is the rim of one of the largest calderas in the world. Sheep Station Creek campground, a large area also recently refurbished, was our campsite for a few days. It is well set up with large campsites for vans and tents. We enjoyed the numerous hikes in the area.
From the campground, we hiked through eucalypt and rainforest for 2 kilometres to lovely Brushbox Falls and Palm Forest. Following the line of an old logging and bullock trail across the creek, we came across a sandstone rockface where early loggers carved their names. Beginning in 1886 the Red Cedar was harvested from the plateau with bullock teams. The bullock wagons were unloaded on the hill and taken empty around the steep descent to Sheep Station Creek. The sandstone rockface was used as a reloading ramp. Logs were hauled to the Richmond River where they were floated downstream for shipment. We continued on for 4 kilometres, connecting up to The Rosewood Loop circuit in old-growth Rosewood and Flooded Gum trees.
Because the Brindle Creek Walk is 6km one way and not a loop, we decided to hike it in two sessions. We parked the car at the Brindle Creek picnic area. We followed the line of Brindle Creek through lush rainforest for a five-kilometre return hike to Evan’s Falls and pool. Swimming is not recommended in the creek as it is also a habitat for endangered frogs. It was a pleasant spot to enjoy our lunch. Before returning to Sheep Station Creek campground, we drove further on to The Pinnacle Lookout. The short walk to the viewing platform revealed a view 1000 meters below into the Tweed Valley and across to the rugged volcanic core of Mt. Warning. It is stunning!
On our final morning, after morning tea in the Antarctic Beech picnic ground where we left our vehicle, we hiked 6 kilometres return. It was through huge hoop pines and large Antarctic beech trees to Selva Falls, again on the Brindle Creek walk. It was an uphill climb back to the picnic ground.
Back at Sheep Station Creek we hitched up the van to commence our homeward journey. We were reluctant to leave after spending a very enjoyable week of staying and hiking in these ranges. We decided this area has some of the best views and walks in New South Wales. But, the Gold Coast was calling us back!
Got some dark patches on your face? Did you know you can remove them with a couple of laser treatments? Here’s how you restore your smooth, youthful looks. Roisin Murphy checks out the latest tech.
Pigmentation problems are a b*tch. I had a problem with my liver a few years ago. While I am better now after many surgeries, the end result is a scar across my body and a face full of horrible brown splotches. I hate them so hard. They make me look like I have had mud thrown at my face, especially in photos.
There are other ways you can end up with dark patches on your face. Hormones can cause pigmentation. This is known as melasma (or chloasma when pregnant). Menopause or pregnancy are times where you can get blotches or patches on your face. It’s caused by fluctuations and changes in hormone levels. You can also get patches from oral contraceptives, medications (creating sensitivities to sunlight) and just genetics… if your mother had them, then watch out!
There’s another type too. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is another form of pigmentation that is caused by trauma to the skin. Trauma can include acne, physical trauma (such as an accident or wound), and misuse of skincare (such as chemical peels).
And lastly, ageing is one of the common causes of pigmentation. Those damn liver spots! By the time we are over 50, skin has experienced sun damage, neglect and the impact of environmental stressors. These factors trigger our melanin production into overdrive. Whilst ageing is a fact of life, looking our age is not. The dark patches across your face are all pigmentation problems that can be fixed with lightwave technology.
My brown patches annoyed the heart out of me. So I went to SkinEnergy at Southport, on Ferry Road. Upset at the ‘mud’ on my face, I was hoping that they could help me. They could and did. Phew.
The owner of SkinEnergy, Gay Wardle, is Australia’s leading industry expert in skin analysis, anatomy and physiology. This isn’t a beauty expert with a 3-week certificate behind her. Gay has completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Dermal Therapies and has lectured at universities both in Sydney and Brisbane. She is at the science end of the game. And you can tell. Her salon is high tech with a vast array of equipment with blue lights and red flashing things. It’s pretty impressive. She keeps herself at the cutting edge of the tech.
Beauty equipment and product manufacturers regularly seek her advice for the development and delivery of their salon training and education programs. Gay regularly travels the world to attend skin symposiums and medical conferences. In 2015, she was awarded Educator of the Year at the Australian Beauty Industry Awards. This is someone you can trust. So off I went with my stupid blotchy face and pleaded with her to fix it.
Gay used an instrument called Intense Pulse Light, known as IPL. Pretty much, it’s an intense lightbeam that is shot into your face. First, a conductive gel is applied. Then your face gets the going over by the light wand. When the light is shot at your face, the pigmentation absorbs the light and heats it to the point of destruction. The skin then renews itself with healthy, regenerated cells to replace the pigmented skin. This parts hurts a little, I am not going to lie. But it’s like pinching. It’s not a big drama of tears and flailing arms. But it stings a little.
The week after you get light shot into your face, the pigment literally rises to the surface as your skin heals itself. Your face becomes darker and you look like you have had a grated brown crayon thrown at you. A good concealer covers it though. And you can’t get any sun on your face for two weeks after the treatment.
But after the two weeks? The pigmentation was all gone… And my skin had the baby butt feel that we all long for – It. Was. Amazing. I literally had a clear face again, like before my liver decided to have a tantrum and cause brown blotches on my face. I was so happy, and I am not even vain, particularly.
Gay gave me a lightening cream to put on to keep the patches at bay. And, a few weeks later, I got a follow-up treatment in case any new patches were even thinking of appearing.
I have never done beauty treatments before. Never been botoxed, never had a facelift, I only barely get my brows waxed. But I got this treatment because I knew it would make me feel better. And it did. The price isn’t in the thousands of dollars. It’s in the low hundreds. I am a lifelong fan and I can’t wait to see what else Gay can do for me.
If you want to get rid of pigmentation, call SkinEnergy. They will have an initial meeting with you to work out what is causing the pigmentation, and then tailor the treatment to the cause. To book your consultation, dial (07) 5528 3100 or email reception@skinenergy.net.au, or call into 232 Ferry Road, Southport
Are you looking for something to do with friends while sipping your favourite drop? Then have we got news for you!
Pinot & Picasso is an interesting little business that is proving to be quite the hit with Silvers. It’s everything an activity with friends should be. There’s creativity, there’s conversation, there’s music, and there’s your favourite tipple.
There’s 3 venues you can choose from on the coast: Broadbeach, Palm Beach or Southport. You book in online, turn up, and Pinot and Picasso supply everything except the wine (or whatever you drink). Yes it’s BYO! You can also bring your own snacks!
You get shown a picture, and everyone gets invited to try to recreate it, in your own style. An instructor will tell you how to do it, but you can go off-piste and do it your way. In any case, if there’s 30 people there, there will be 30 different interpretations. It’s fascinating how different we all see the world. By the end, you’ll have a whole room of new besties, so be sure to try to have the best pic!
Wendy and Dennis Powell are the Owners of Pinot & Picasso on the Coast. Says Wendy, “I was born in Sydney, and moved up to the Gold Coast in 1994 when I was 28. I have been a beauty therapist, a nurse, a phlebotomist and had my three sons later in life. So I love change and a challenge! The paint and sip industry was my next go to! “
“Our paint and sip studios are for all ages, from 6 to 96. But I must say that the large number of over 50s that have been drawn to this is impressive. When you sit in one of our studios you are lost in your own little world of creativity. If you add a glass of wine, which is up to you, our space becomes its own little getaway of peace and tranquillity. Not to mention our playlist that resonates with the over 50s with the odd ABBA song or two!”
Retirement community choices: Aged-care expert Phil Usher of Odyssey Lifestyle Communities tells us what to look out for when choosing to right-size into a new home.
We all want to love where we live, at the end of the day, it is the place we will call home. When you start looking into a retirement community, whether this is for yourself or a senior loved one, it’s important to understand there are many factors to consider.
Think about when you moved into your first home. There were many aspects you weighed up, thought about and sought advice for that brought you to the decision of whether to purchase or keep looking. Relocating into a retirement or aged care community is similar, but the questions and considerations are a little different.
Retirement Community – WHAT TO CONSIDER
It doesn’t matter how old you are, location is still an incredibly important aspect when moving from one place to another. Most people want to remain in an area that offers familiar surroundings, places and faces. And of course, being near popular shopping hubs is a major draw card! It’s a misconception to think retiring in the outer suburbs is cheaper. And while this can be a factor, if affordable, most people want to be in the thick of it. Living near family and friends is another aspect as we all want to see our kids and grandchildren as we age.
When looking at a retirement community, it’s important to see what kind of environment and social setting is offered. We all need real social interaction, especially as we age. Find out if the location has a varied calendar of events and outings to participate in or, if you or your parent are not social butterflies, check and see if there is a good library or areas to simply sit and enjoy watching the world while engrossed in a good book. Select a community that suits your needs and profile.
A great question to consider: can you stay at your chosen community for life or will you need to move again if you or your partner’s care needs change? This point needs special consideration, as many operators claim to have a true ageing in place model, where you can live life your way without moving again, but few actually deliver this.
Ask what level of care is available on-site and not coordinated via an outsourced group or person that sets it up. Also ask if there is real 24/7 care at the community that, if needed, can be ramped up until life’s end without having to move again.
Even in your senior years, you’ve got to pay attention to the rules. Common rules to look out for are, can the grandchildren stay over? Can you entertain in your new home and utilise common areas? And, can friends join you for a meal? Can you bring your pets? Can you call the shots, always? All these things really add up to ensuring you retain your independence and that you can and should have the final say.
Food is such an important part of our day as we age, so it needs to be delicious and nutritious! Check to see whether the community has a chef (Odyssey has three!). And, check what their qualifications are. Peruse the menu and enquire how often it changes and whether it is à la carte. The days where you are expected to accept what you are given are over. Mealtimes are great for socialising, so the atmosphere needs to be ‘restaurant’ rather than ‘dining room.’
Conversing with the staff is the perfect way to find out what a place is really like. Ask questions about all the above points and be certain they are genuine answers and not just lip service. Be confident and inquire about the employees, their training and their requirements for working there. Look into whether the care staff are qualified or whether they work for the community or for a subcontracting entity. Ask about how the community is run and what services are on offer or at hand. These are all fair questions to ask, especially when it comes to nursing qualifications.
It doesn’t need to be Fort Knox, but you want to know the place you live offers a secure community. Check to see whether there are physical security gates that close at night, 24/7 staff in case of an emergency or if care is required, CCTV to monitor common areas and whether the community offers technology aids to assist with your security. Technology is becoming commonplace, even in the aged care sector. There could be an Artificial Intelligence system designed to assist in monitoring all manner of things. Check the communication system, particularly given the pandemic, and make sure you have access to video calls and telehealth. You want to know that all these things are in place and there for you in order to feel safe and secure.
To get a real sense of the place, you need to experience it beforehand. Make some enquiries to see if you can come along for morning tea and chat with the residents. This way, you’ll get the scoop on what life is really like in the community firsthand. Take a stroll around the grounds and make sure they are in good condition, that way you know your community is well kept by people who care.
This is a really important point – the community needs to ‘feel’ right for you. Does it give you a sense of home and can you see yourself there? Listen to your heart and make sure you tick this box, because it will make all the difference. Chatting with staff and residents will help you with this point and you can also jump online and read reviews.
Another important aspect of retirement is understanding how the financials work. It’s best to compare apples with apples. Make sure you take into account what quality of life you want, as it has a value that should not be ignored. Make sure you compare what you want across all prospects and then determine what you are prepared to pay.
Phil Usher has been part of the aged care sector for almost 20 years. He has a keen understanding of what seniors want when it comes to living out their twilight years on their own terms.
Phil’s Mum, who passed away from dementia-related complications, was the driving force behind why he’s created an alternative to traditional aged care. When considering aged care for her, Phil couldn’t find a place that offered her the kind of life she wanted. So he made improving aged care his odyssey. If it’s not good enough for the people Phil loves, it’s simply not good enough.
Phil’s determination to create the best alternative to aged-care led to a fresh, heart-centred approach known as a Lifestyle Care Community. At Odyssey the power is given back to residents. People are put first, they have their own home in a lifestyle-orientated community, couples stay together, pets are welcome, grandkids have sleepovers and most importantly – comfort, dignity and independence are the first priorities.
Lamington National Park: It is the perfect time to experience World Heritage Under Your Feet. The Silver team went to O’Reilly’s at Canungra, just on our doorstep. It’s hard to believe that this nature paradise is so close. Here are our favourite walks!
We have had numerous requests here at Silver to suggest the best bushwalks for the over 50s. So we went to investigate the utterly stunning O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat. It’s a tough job but we fell on the sword for you. You are welcome!
The Scenic Rim was just named in the top 10 regions to visit in 2022 for Lonely Planet. And with good reason, it’s achingly beautiful. So here we are!
Image by Katie Purling
Lamington National Park Location
For those of you who are new to the Gold Coast, O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat is only around 90 minutes from the Gold Coast, and it is just so beautiful it’s hard to put into words how lucky we are to have this just so close to us. You can stay in a lot of different types of accommodation at O’Reilly’s. You can also camp at O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat. The campground just took out bronze in the Queensland Tourism Awards.
And, the Vineyard (which is a whole other 6-page story in itself) just took out the silver medal!
Located in the Lamington National Park, it is the most drop-dead gorgeous bushwalking destination in Queensland. It contains over 320 kms of walking tracks that lead to spectacular lookouts, waterfalls and some of Queensland’s most significant wilderness areas.
Lamington National Park is nearly 1000 metres above sea level which means that the temperature is 5-8 degrees cooler than Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Lamington National Park is made up of two sections: Green Mountains and Binna Burra. Green Mountains section is located on the western side of the Lamington Plateau, and wraps around O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat.
Below are self-guided walks, but there are more. Plus, you can actually book yourself or your group on a private guided walk. These are utterly fascinating, and the O’Reilly’s guides really know their stuff.
Lamington National Park: SHORT WALKS
The Tree Top Walk – Return Distance 800 metres The Booyong Walk is clearly signposted. It starts opposite the entrance to the O’Reilly’s Reception. This walk is an iconic part of O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat. It’s great for a daytrip for the active over 50s – it has 9 suspension bridges up to 16 metres above ground. You get a bird’s eye view from a deck in a fig tree over the walkway. The best time to see birdlife is early morning or late afternoon. The Tree Top Walk is free to experience at your own leisure, and it is open all day every day.
Mick’s Tower – Return Distance 1 km
This walk shares the same entrance as the Wishing Tree Track, except you turn right at the 330m mark. This rainforest observation tower is 18 metres high. Information signs on the various decks refer to the surrounding rainforest and in particular to a large Red Carabeen growing close by. This is an ideal spot to enjoy the tranquillity of a rainforest canopy with the birds for company.
Centenary Track – 1.8 km return
This universal access track leaves from the northern end of the Green Mountains carpark, 150 m from the national park information centre. The track passes by a tall hoop pine at the entrance and slowly descends through subtropical rainforest for 900m. It then joins the Python Rock and Morans Falls tracks. Bench seating spaced along the track offers excellent birdwatching opportunities. Watch for regent and satin bowerbirds darting through the branches, logrunners foraging on fallen tree trunks and Albert’s lyrebirds scratching in the leaf litter.
Image by Tourism & Events Queensland
Lamington National Park: HALF DAY WALKS
Moonlight Crag – Return Distance 7km
For the more fit and feisty over 50s who would prefer to stay at O’Reilly’s rather than do a day trip (do it, it’s gorgeous) these are most vigorous walks and involve some hill climbing. On this walk, you can swing by Moran’s Falls and see Balancing Rock.
Elabana Falls – Return Distance 7.6 km
The Elabana Falls Track descends through a stand of Antarctic Beech and then past the largest Brush Box trees in the National Park. Turn right at the Box Forest turn-off for Picnic Rock, a favourite lunch spot, but be sure to continue to Elabana Falls 400 metres further on.
Pat’s Bluff – Return Distance 5.4km
Pat’s Bluff affords a view over the Albert and Logan River valleys to the Great Dividing Range. Pat O’Reilly’s log cabin is 70 metres in from this spot. Peregrine Falcons nest in caves in these cliffs and often rest in the dead trees above the cliff line.
Image by O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat
Lamington National Park: FULL DAY WALKS
Box Forest – Return Distance 10.9km
This circuit leads directly to Picnic Rock and Elabana Falls. It leads you through rainforest, past impressive stands of smooth, pink-barked brush box Lophostemon confertus, before reaching the falls. Similar brush box in other parts of the World Heritage area have been radiocarbon-dated at 1500 years, making these giants the oldest ever carbon-dated trees on Australia’s mainland. If you intend walking this entire circuit, walk in a clockwise direction and exit via Elabana Falls and Picnic Rock.
Yerralahla (Blue Pool) – Return Distance 10km This is for the feistiest over 50s. There is a 400m drop in elevation from O’Reilly’s to Blue Pool. The track winds down through outstanding sub- tropical rainforest. The track passes through stands of Red Cedar, booyong, Giant Stinging Trees and Hoop Pine, often supporting large staghorns. This walk lets you soak up the waterfalls and rainforest, and to negotiate the numerous creek crossings.
Border Track – 21.4km one way only
This is a really fun walk if you are fit and well. This track connects Binna Burra and O’Reilly’s, and there is a shuttle that takes you from O’Reilly’s to Binna Burra in the morning (check O’Reilly’s Discovery Program for days and times or speak to Reservations to book – cost is $33 per person), so you can walk back to O’Reilly’s and look forward to your swim and a wine at the end! The track passes through stunning rainforest and you’ll enjoy every step. The Border track is the backbone of this World Heritage-listed area and part of the longer Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk. On a clear day, lookouts provide spectacular views.
Image by O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat
Lamington National Park walking track maps are available from O’Reilly’s gift shop or O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat. You can also download a map from the website www.oreillys.com.au
Looking for a challenge? Recount Australian history and celebrate the life of Bernard O’Reilly, who heroically saved the lives of two plane crash survivors over 80 years ago. This all happened in World Heritage-listed Lamington National Park. Following in Bernard’s footsteps, you’ll traverse 37 kms in one day from O’Reilly’s to the historic Stinson crash site. The walk goes through stunning landscape surrounded by the incredibly diverse and wonderful flora and fauna of Lamington National Park. Register your interest for the next Stinson Walk on the website!
Python Rock – 3.4 km
The sealed track to Python Rock has even grades, suitable for older people and those confined to wheelchairs. The booyongs and figs near the West Cliff turn off are impressive. So are the large New England Blackbutt as you enter the open forest for the first time. The view from Python Rock overlooks Castle Crag to the Lost World with Mount Throakban on the left and Moran’s Falls. You can proceed up the hill from the lookout on a tough track and turn left for West Cliff.
To stay at O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat Call: 1800 688 722 or log on to www.oreillys.com.au