CHRIS AND GINNY are just two examples of the growing number of retirees who have made the move into The Verge. One of the new vertical retirement villages by RetireAustralia. The vertical community is moments from the sea and has sweeping views over Burleigh Golf Course.

Vertical retirement villages are becoming much more common. Going vertical means that amenities that retirees love, like gyms, cafes, rooftop bbq areas and multipurpose rooms for community activities and social gatherings are just an elevator ride away. Also, seeing as we are living longer, more healthy lives than ever before in history, we have a clear need for fun for a lot longer. Living vertical means that these centres can be placed right in vibrant urban villages, near restaurants, good shopping haunts and cultural centres. The Verge is just three minutes from the beach.

Vertical Retirement Villages near Burleigh Golf Course
The Verge Retirement Village at Burleigh Golf Course

Chris, who describes himself as independent, said he initially thought a retirement community would never be for him. But Ginny changed his mind. “I could see the fact that it was the right decision, I just didn’t want to let go. I think all of us only need to hear about someone else’s misfortune to see how difficult it becomes if you don’t make the decision yourself when you are able and healthy to make it.”

Ginny said it was absolutely the right choice to move to The Verge. “It’s not a nice thought, but if you get sick down the track or have a fall, someone else is making the decision for you. We’ve had the time to be able to think about it and for everybody to get used to the idea. Now, we have everything at our fingertips. It all makes sense.”

Not everyone may need assistance today, but The Verge is five steps ahead regardless. There are wide corridors, lots of storage, natural light, switches and power points at accessible heights, deep showers and reinforced bathroom walls to retrofit railings. These are all built-in without disturbing the aesthetic or sacrificing the comforts of home.

Now that the couple has settled in, they say they haven’t missed yard work and maintaining a house. Says Chris, “I absolutely love not having to mow the lawn. It was the right decision. It frees me up to do the things that really matter to me. And it’s nice to know help is there if we need it.” ■

Three Verge display apartments are available for viewing.

Book an appointment, call 1800 955 070

For more reading, or log onto Retirement Village: The Hottest on the Gold Coast.

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