Senior Addiction: Addiction Specialist Counselor Bronwyn Schlesinger explains the new addiction phenomenon that is affecting the senior demographic.

We’re now living longer and sport a ‘never divorce’ mindset. Our personal needs weren’t recognised as important when we got married last century. Surviving longterm relationships can be exhausting, if not agonising. Coping with difficult partnerships can result in addiction, with alcohol and prescription medication being most commonly abused in the post-war generation.

Humans need love, respect, safety, security and satisfaction. Living in an unhappy marriage creates anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue and even sexual dysfunction. Lack of intimacy, unequal responsibilities and domestic duties, verbal, emotional or physical abuse and communication breakdown can all bring stress and conflict irresolution.

Reassurance in the Form of Drugs?

Seeking comfort in drinking or drug taking can appear to be the only way to find relief in a domestic war zone. Our ‘just get on with it’ attitude doesn’t help. Finding help isn’t part of our value system. We can be pushed too far without anyone knowing.

With the pressures of business, money, job security and mortgages, burnout is always lingering around the corner. Therapy is only for the weak minded, or maybe it’s only for women. Nah, I’ll get through somehow on my own.

Alcohol and drug addiction can happen to anyone, including you
Alcohol and drug addiction can happen to anyone, including you

Senior Addiction Drug Literacy

While the young are drug and alcohol literate, addiction can creep up silently on the older generations. With more, or even less, time constraints, drinking can seep into every part of our day, with work meetings, breakup parties, golf days, boys’ nights, ladies’ luncheons.

While the more socially acceptable drugs including Valium, Xanax and Endone start off as legitimate medication for anxiety, sleep and pain issues, over-use can slip into drug seeking and doctor shopping. Other problem drugs include Lyrica, Fentanyl and Seroquel.

You may have spent years being a social drinker but it’s daily now. Before long, someone close to you is noticing your excessive drinking habits. Your partner is concerned about how many pills are in your bedroom draw. You don’t have a libido anymore, or you have erectile dysfunction. You start hiding booze in the garage and you’ve used up all your medication too quickly.

Long Term Consequences of Senior Addiction

The long-term consequences of drug and alcohol use, memory loss, paranoia and agitation also have their toll on relationships. This can compound the addiction by seeking out illegal stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine to keep up. Detoxing and doing rehab may be out of the question. Without a stable, supportive homelife, it’s impossible to get sober and stay clean.

Many families have reached breaking point and clients seeking detox are often forced into ultimatums. The threat of divorce, bankruptcy, loss of income or media exposure can drive clients to rehab. The long-term consequences of drug and alcohol use, memory loss, paranoia and agitation also have their toll on relationships. This can compound the addiction by seeking out illegal stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine to keep up.

The consequences of senior addiction can be deadly
The consequences of senior addiction can be deadly

Detoxing and doing rehab may be out of the question. Without a stable, supportive homelife, it’s impossible to get sober and stay clean. Many families have reached breaking point and clients seeking detox are often forced into ultimatums. The threat of divorce, bankruptcy, loss of income or media exposure can drive clients to rehab.

The Private Alternative

The thought of leaving home for 10 days to detox can be overwhelming. And you hate the idea of sharing a room or going to hospital. But by choosing a private and confidential addiction withdrawal service, you can feel like you’re on a retreat. The new-era in addiction centres means you can have all the luxuries of a hotel, with the medical attention of a hospital.

Private centres offer flexible programs, smaller numbers and a higher level of care compared with government or not-for-profit services. Drug and alcohol withdrawal is a specialised area of medicine. Even your GP may not be the best person to consult for addiction.

With 24-hour medical supervision and addiction counselling, you can absolutely get through to the other side and be back at work before you know it at Gold Coast Rehab and Detox Services. And you don’t have to do it tough. Private withdrawal centres prescribe medications to ease your withdrawal symptoms and help you get a good night sleep.

The modern, adapted rooms to give you the privacy you need to recover from senior addiction
The modern, adapted rooms to give you the privacy you need to recover from senior addiction
Modern bathrooms
Beautiful modern bathrooms
Lovely adapted living space
Lovely adapted living space

Pick Up The Phone

Gold Coast Rehab and Detox Services on the Gold Coast provide a comfortable and safe environment for a mature clientele. We offer stylish accommodation with a maximum of 4 clients at any one-time, private rooms with an ensuite, chef-prepared meals, experienced 24‑hour staff and a stunning beachfront view. The staff create a warm and caring environment to rest and recover. By the end of your program, you will be a new person.

If you are struggling with any of these issues please call now on 07 5559 5811 or 0476 468 860 for a confidential discussion and visit our website at

Other Health Problems

Addictions can cause many different problems in your body, including erectile dysfunction. Read our article to find the causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and find out how you can improve your sexual health.

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