Phil Usher has been part of the aged-care sector for almost 20 years. Here, he gives us an insight into this opportunity to simplify your life and free yourself in your later years.
A Brand New Adventure: Don’t Doubt Downsizing
So, you’re downsizing. You’ve reached that inevitable next phase in life to simplify, de-clutter and take stock of what’s really important to you. But don’t fret, downsizing can also mean that a whole new adventure is on the cards!
To some, the prospect of downsizing can evoke uncertainty or fear. This big change in life can be more akin to pulling teeth, or getting cornered into a gruelling timeshare presentation. But downsizing doesn’t have to dampen your spirits or create unnecessary worries – in fact, it should be the exact opposite!
First and foremost, you need to change your mindset and see downsizing as an opportunity for a new beginning, because that is exactly what it is. It should be viewed as a new era; one we should encourage ourselves and our loved ones to approach with zest and excitement.
Odyssey Residents: Don’t Doubt Downsizing
The people we see at Odyssey often feel a little daunted and overwhelmed with the idea of moving from a large home into a smaller setting. And of course, it is difficult when you or a loved one has been in the same house for many years and then it’s time for the next stage. But it’s also important to feel comfortable with the process.
Downsize and lead a comfortable retired life
Life is full of stuff and most of us spend a significant amount of time accumulating bits and bobs over the years to remind us where we’ve been, what we’ve seen and who we love. But as we age, clutter can become an issue, creating trip hazards, and making it difficult to find things.
Downsizing can be beautiful if done correctly
When you start to declutter, don’t view this as a painful departing process, but instead see it as a way to empower either ourselves or our loved ones with choice and control. It’s often thought that our children or grandchildren will want to hold onto various items, but sadly and unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Don’t Doubt Downsizing, Pick Out Items Close to Your Heart
Hold onto the things that have meaning, whether it’s family pictures, a favourite reading chair or a few items that hold special memories. Everything else is mostly just ‘things’. A general rule to follow is, if it hasn’t been used in six months, it’s probably not needed.
One of the best things about downsizing is the ease of living in a low-maintenance environment. While it can be challenging to adjust to a new schedule and a whole new lifestyle, it’s always a pleasant surprise to have more freedom and time to do the things you love.
Whether it be spending more quality time with family and friends or engaging in new social activities, downsizing is a chapter of life that should not cause angst. It truly is a time for you to live your best life, and perhaps take up a new hobby that you didn’t have the time for before. Downsizing can bring out a whole new era of self-discovery for you that maximises the most essential elements of life – having fun and being happy and healthy.
When considering your new space, identify the things that are important to you. Things like access to quality care, remaining independent, maintaining a sense of control, living in a pet[1]friendly setting, and being able to bond with those you love.
Choosing the Correct Location
Choose somewhere that aligns with your values, what you want, and what kind of lifestyle you want to maintain. You want to be able to focus on continuing life as normal as possible in a great atmosphere – while feeling safe and secure about where you live. My whole goal is to ensure that Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities combine the best of retirement resort community living with first-class care built in.
Remember, the moral to the story is to change the way we see downsizing. Don’t doubt downsizing. It’s a new beginning and something you can take on with a smile and excitement. It’s about decluttering, but also about experiencing something new – a space where you’re comfortable, safe and happy. ■
For more of Phil’s insights, and the opportunity to ask questions, check out
Picture of Phil
Phil Usher
PHIL USHER has been part of the aged care sector for almost 20 years. He has a keen understanding of what seniors want when it comes to living out their twilight years on their own terms.
Phil’s Mum, who passed away from dementia-related complications, was the driving force behind why he’s created an alternative to traditional aged care. When considering aged care for her, Phil couldn’t find a place that offered her the kind of life she wanted. So he made improving aged care his odyssey. If it’s not good enough for the people Phil loves, it’s simply not good enough.
Phil’s determination to create the best alternative to aged-care led to a fresh, heart-centred approach known as a Lifestyle Care Community. At Odyssey the power is given back to residents. People are put first, they have their own home in a lifestyle-orientated community, couples stay together, pets are welcome, grandkids have sleepovers and most importantly – comfort, dignity and independence are the first priorities.
Click here, to know more about the lifestyle of silver citizens.
RIGHT NOW, GENE GILMER is as sharp as ever at 90 years of age. A retired school superintendent who earned his doctorate in math decades ago, Gilmer lives alone. He worries about losing the memories that defined his life. That’s part of the reason he enrolled in an unusual clinical trial.
The treatment being tested: Conversation. Four times a week for a half-hour each time, he taps a button on a tablet computer. And talks face-to-face with a research assistant. The conversation is invariably pleasant, always a half hour in length, and curiously themed.
“A lot of the questions seem to reflect back to when I was a lot younger,” he said. “They seem to be testing my memory.”
Testing – not quite. But targeting? Definitely. Researchers are conducting a study to see if regular conversation can stave off dementia.
Conversational Clinical Trial
Known as the Internet-based Conversational Clinical Trial, or I-CONECT, the project connects socially isolated seniors for regular half-hour conversations with trained conversationalists through online video chat. Previous pilot studies showed promising results, clearing the way for the National Institute on Aging to fund the full[1]scale clinical trial that’s now underway.
“This could be an actual clinical intervention your doctor would prescribe. Like exercise for a healthy heart,” said Jacob Lindsley, a senior research assistant in the OHSU Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Centre.
Social isolation is a major problem for seniors. A recent report by the Lancet Commission noted that 2.3 percent of dementia cases could be prevented by reducing social isolation.
The conversations aren’t just shooting the breeze. That is why research assistants lead participants through conversations that are specifically designed to exercise areas of the brain. Mainly, associated with abstract thought, memory and higher-level executive functioning skills.
Final Words
Researchers demonstrated in a 2014 study that seniors who participated in video chats significantly improved in some cognitive tests. Whereas, compared to a control group that did not engage in video chats.
So there you go, Silvers. Video chatting is actually good for your brain. Call up a mate and off you go! ■
Click here, to know more about the silver citizens of Gold Coast.
AWLQ (Animal Welfare League Queensland) vets are vessels of knowledge when it comes to animals. Here are some of your questions answered.
AWLQ Advice for Puppies/Dogs
To safeguard your pet from potentially serious and sometimes fatal diseases your puppy needs to be vaccinated.
Our vaccines protect against several diseases including Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis and Canine Parainfluenza Virus and Bordetella (Kennel Cough).
Puppy vaccinations can commence as young as 6 weeks of age. So, your puppy can safely socialise with other dogs and go for walks outside. We aim to achieve full immunity by 16 weeks of age.
To maintain immunity, adult dogs require an annual vaccination booster. You will receive a reminder when your dogs’ yearly vaccination is due.
AWLQ Advice for Kitten/Cats
Our vaccines protect against several diseases including Feline Enteritis, Feline Rhinotracheitis and Feline Calcivirus. Kitten vaccinations can commence as young as 6 weeks of age then every 2 to 4 weeks with the timing of the final dose being no earlier than 16 weeks.
To maintain immunity, adult cats require an annual vaccination booster. You will receive a reminder when your cats’ yearly vaccination is due.
Each year thousands of lost animals are taken in by shelters and pounds across Australia. Some never make it home because they cannot be identified.
Microchipping offers pet owners the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet and linking the animal back to you. If you want to dramatically improve your pet’s chances of getting home fast and safe, implanting your pet with a microchip is your best option.
Animal microchips are about the size of a grain of rice. They are typically implanted by a vet just beneath the surface of the skin between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to receiving vaccination through a needle.
The microchips presently used in pets only contain identification numbers. The microchip cannot track your animal if it gets lost. The microchip itself does not contain your pet’s medical information, but some microchip registration databases will allow you to store that information in the database for quick reference. ■
AWLQ was the first organisation in Queensland to open a Community Veterinary Clinic to the public. It still is the only organisation to do this. This unique service makes essential vet care accessible to all pet owners, including people who could not afford treatment for their pets. They are open 7 days a week. To book an appointment, go to
6/10 Old Chatswood Road Daisy Hill, QLD 4127 07 3808 2892
Gold Coast
21 Shelter Road Coombabah QLD 4216 07 5594 0111
42 Tiger Street West Ipswich QLD 4305 07 3812 7533
Summer pet care – summer is a fun time of year for pets and people. Enjoying a summer day together is great, but the heat can also be dangerous or even deadly for dogs, cats and other pets. Pets, like people, are susceptible to the effects of extreme heat. Providing protection for our pets in hot weather is critical. With a few precautions, you can keep your pets happy and safe in the heat.
Heatstroke can occur when an animal’s temperature rises to a critical level. Normal body temperatures for dogs and cats range from 38.3 to 39.2 degrees Celsius. When a dog’s temperature rises to 42+ degrees, or a cat’s to 41+ degrees, they can suffer heatstroke, brain damage, and even death.
Pets showing signs of heatstroke may include:
■ Heavy panting that does not resolve as the pet rests
■ Increasing distress
■ A tongue colour that is dark red to almost purple
■ Weakness or collapse
■ Hyper-salivation, vomiting and laboured breathing.
Move a pet suffering from heatstroke out of the heat immediately. Cool an animal’s ears, belly, and paw pads with cool water (but not freezing or icy). Never put the animal into cold water or cover them with a cold, wet blanket. Once the pet is stabilised, take them to your veterinarian immediately. The animal may be experiencing issues internally that are not visible to you. A variety of situations – such as leaving a dog in a hot car, going for a midday walk with your dog, or simply leaving a pet in your backyard with no shade – can contribute to an animal overheating.
AWLQ recommends taking a few precautions to keep dogs and cats healthy and comfortable as the temperature. Here are some tips:
■ If your pet must be outside during the day, ensure that they have access to shade at all hours of the day. Never leave your dog tied up as they could become tangled, out of reach of shade or water. Grass and greenery help keep the backyard cooler, too.
■ Provide pets with fresh, cool water at all times. Most dogs won’t drink hot water no matter how thirsty they are. If your dog stays outside during the day, make sure his water bowl isn’t in a place where he will tip it over. Clam shell pools are a great way to provide dogs their own puddle in which to play.
■ Exercise dogs during the cooler morning or evening hours, not in the intense afternoon heat. Dogs who are seniors, overweight, have thick fur, or a pushed-in nose (such as boxers, pugs and bulldogs) are even more at risk of overheating. Bring water for both you and your pet, or a collapsible bowl if there’s a water source on your route.
■ Be aware of the temperature of the road, footpath or even sand, since the heat can cause burns to your pet’s paw pads if they get too hot.
■ Dogs with bald patches or minimal coats may need sunscreen.
■ Never leave your pet in a car – not even with the windows partway down, not even in the shade, not even for a quick errand. Dogs and cats can’t sweat like humans, so they pant to lower their body temperature, and heatstroke can happen quickly.
■ Guinea pigs can overheat very quickly, particularly those kept in wooden hutches and sheds outdoors which can heat up extremely rapidly. Sadly, heatstroke can be fatal, so it’s essential that guinea pig owners take steps to prevent this. These include moving hutches into the shade and providing cooling ice blocks and fans to regulate temperatures. Signs of heatstroke include lethargy, panting and convulsions. If you suspect that your guinea pig has heatstroke you must seek veterinary help immediately.
Summer pet care is important. If it’s too hot for us to stay comfortable in the car, in the yard, or on a walk, it’s even hotter for our furry companions.
Pet’s Health: Could your aromatic scents and diffusers be harmful to your pet’s health?
Your house may smell like a summer flower garden, but your dog could be driven up the wall about it. The Animal Welfare League Queensland tells us what we need to know about your pet’s health. The popularity of oil diffusers has exploded. They are an easy way to release fragrant oils into your home. But lately, there has been an emergence of alarm about how these oils may affect pet health in the home. In their concentrated form, essential oils can be a danger for pets.
The Animal Welfare League: Looking our for Pet’s Health
Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) is here to assist us with keeping our furry companions happy and healthy around essential oils and diffusers. Essential oils are typically extracted from certain compounds within a plant and have a powerful fragrance or essence of that plant. For a long time, they have been a popular remedy for a number of ailments including nasal congestion, anxiety and sore muscles.
Essential Oils and Diffusers Affecting Your Pet’s Health?
People love their pets, so it is natural that people who also love their oils are seeking alternatives to other pet-cleaning or pampering products. Unfortunately, while many essential oils are beneficial for humans, they are often harmful to pets.
This also applies to oils that you are not placing directly on your pet but may be using in a diffuser. Some oils are more harmful than others however, there are several factors that affect this such as concentration level and what the product is mixed with. Due to the variability in concentration, formulation, and possible quality of essential oils, it is best to completely avoid directly applying them to your pet.
Be careful with diffusers around your pets
Harmful to Cats
Oils that are harmful to cats include, but are not limited to:
Sweet birch
Ylang ylang
Tea tree
Harmful to Dogs
Oils that are harmful to dogs include, but are not limited to:
Sweet birch
Tea tree
Ylang ylang
There are several common symptoms of poisoning in pets. A good rule of thumb as a pet owner is to stay alert if you see any changes of behaviour in your animal. Here are some other symptoms to watch out for:
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty walking or stumbling
Muscle tremors
Pawing at the mouth or face
Redness or burns on their lips, tongue, skin, or gums
Tips For Your Pet’s Health
If you think your pet has come into contact with an essential oil the key is to act fast and seek veterinary treatment immediately. Be sure to also follow these tips:
If the oil is on your pet’s fur or skin, wash it off immediately.
Do not give your pet any treatments without a vet’s approval.
Take the oil with you to the vet so they know what they are dealing with.
Using an oil diffuser for a short time period in a secured area – one that your dog or cat cannot access – is not likely to be an issue to your pet’s health. However, if your pet has a history of breathing problems, it may be best to avoid using one altogether. Keep in mind, that your pets have a much better sense of smell than we do, so something that seems light to us may be overwhelming to them. If you do decide to keep your diffuser, ensure that it is in a place where your pet cannot knock it over and potentially expose themselves to the oils. The best way to avoid exposing your pets to dangerous substances is always to err on the side of caution and by pet-proofing your space.
Make sure your pet’s health is in top shape!
September is National Desexing Month!
The National Desexing Network (NDN) is an initiative of Animal Welfare League Queensland. It is an Australia-wide referral system giving pet owners in financial need access to low-cost desexing. The goal is to end pet overpopulation by making desexing available and more affordable to pet owners who need it most. If you are a pet owner, you could be eligible for discounted desexing for your pet. Contact the NDN team on 1300 368 992 or visit to find participating vets in your area.
Desex your pets this September!
Are you worried about your own health as well as your pet’s health? Check out this article about erectile dysfunction and see if you suffer from the symptoms included in the feature.
Pool overhaul time. Have you been a little less than happy with the look or function of your pool lately? Starting to wonder if it might be time for a remodel? We are here to help you make that decision.
Like any other feature of your home, there will eventually come a time when your own private artificial lake needs a face-lift or an upgrade. Here are the 5 most common signs that it’s time for repair or renovations!
Pool time! Winter schmzinter… get your face wet!
1 Your Pool has Cracks or Other Signs of Damage
If unseemly cracks or peeling are keeping you from enjoying your pool fully, you may want to consider a lining repair or re-tiling. An expert can evaluate the damage and tell you if it’s merely an aesthetic problem, or if it possibly has underlying safety or long-term quality reduction issues. Damage such as this sometimes leads people to decide it’s a good time for a total overhaul, while others choose to undergo minor repairs.
2 You’re Unhappy With the Appearance
If your pool was installed or updated over a decade ago, you’ll probably start noticing that it’s out of style. Also, personal tastes change over the years, and you may just find yourself longing for a different size or look. Many times, homeowners purchased their home with the pool already built, so they did not get to have a personal say in the design. A renovation can be a great opportunity to customise the pool to your preferences. Maybe that means new tiles or lining, a different shape, or adding a water feature or a hot tub. Whatever it is you feel is lacking, personal preference is a perfectly good reason to go through a remodel. Also consider that updating the style and adding new features will increase its appeal to potential buyers later on!
3 There’s No Modern Safety Features
Families with young children should be especially aware of the possible safety concerns that can surface as a pool ages. Newer pools include safety features that older ones are often lacking. A remodel would allow you to get up-to-date in this way by extending the shallow end, installing a better safety fence, or adding other needed safety features. This is a priceless type of renovation that will pay off for years to come.
4 Disastrous Energy Efficiency
Swimming pools built over ten years ago are nowhere near as economical and energy efficient as pools today. Though a renovation will cost you some money upfront, it will end up saving you in the long run as modern equipment allows your pool to function more efficiently.
5 Your Pool Needs Frequent Repair
If you find your pool is often out of commission, or you notice that you’ve been having to call for repair service more often than usual, it may mean that your pool is reaching an age at which it’s more cost effective and convenient to undergo a more major renovation, rather than constantly adding up small repairs. You may choose to replace just some of its main mechanisms, or undergo a more thorough remodel.
There is such a thing as too much pool
If you want more pool tips, log onto NW Pools. They have a fantastic blog with a lot of advice and information on how to keep your pool looking good.